To be able to make money in affiliate marketing, you have to get it right from the onset. That is, to put together all the necessary factors and follow through with your strategy.

Here are 5 of the main touches you need to put into your marketing to be successful in affiliate marketing

There is a general belief that it takes at least 5 touches complete a sale.

If you keep up with these 5 touches, you will then have built enough excitement, anticipation, curiosity, trust, and loyalty for your followers to make a purchase, because they have come to trust you more.

Let us dig deeper.


1. Sales funnel is your first weapon

This is the beginning of the 5 touches, as it gives purpose to your efforts. Before you even start reaching out to your audience, you should first determine and work out a practical sales system.

What is a sale funnel:

There are many names to it but they all mean the same thing. You may hear people call it the customer journey, it simply means the journey of a customer from the time they first became aware of a product or service to the time they actually buy.

In all of this, you need to keep grooming your customer as it were so that their journey into becoming a buying customer will be without stress. You must provide them with all the help they need to make up their mind through this channel.

In all of this you will have to do the following right:

  1. Find the customers
  2. Build up their interest
  3. Feed them with the right information they need to make an informed decision.
  4. Take care of their fears
  5. Answer their questions
  6. Prove to them they are not taking a foolish decision by following your lead
  7. Get feedback to help you improve.
  8. And finally, help them to make that purchase

Only when you are prepared should you consider coming in contact with your audience. Of course, this is more practical if you have the plan to monetize from the onset.

Otherwise, a sales funnel can sometimes be an afterthought. In this case, you already have built a following and then implement a sales funnel. But whatever the case, you need sales to funnel to turn followers into buyers.

Having done that, you will have to move to the next touch.

But, if you need more help, go check out this article on 10 LITTLE KNOWN WAYS TO GET MORE LEADS EVEN IF YOU STARTED TODAY

Here are 7 best practices for sells funnel

  • Give your Head line your best. This alone determines if your prospective clients will take further action, whether to read on or just hit the back button. 
  • Set up multiple lead magnets. (Your sales funnel will not be complete until you are able to drive traffic to it from multiple sources) It goes without saying that the more leads you push the way of your sales funnel, the more sales you make eventually, as long as you do not overlook the leads already on your side.
  • test different signup forms, and change a few things here and there to see what works.
  • Give your sales page your best, I see a lot of sales pages not designed to close sales. They are all highly packed product descriptions with a check-out form strategically positioned to collect your money. Well, the world of the internet no longer works that way as you may have found out. So, design your sales page to lead your clients to take the desired action gradually.
  • when it comes to payments, make it easy for your customers with flexible and multiple payment solutions. Let them choose what they are comfortable paying with.
  • I discovered that blowing your client’s mind just before the checkout works magic. You can do so by offering something totally unexpected for free just when they are nearing the checkout button. It increases your chances of having a repeat customer.
  • Show some personal interest. I use this a lot, let your customers know you genuinely care about them and their success. It is true you need the money to keep yourself in business, but if your followers see that as your only objective, they will look to the other side.
  • Do not forget to do your keyword research as it will help you to target the right audience.

2. Post on social media for your advantage

There are a lot of social media platforms, be on as many of them as possible, but remember to not just be on them but to be active. So the rule of thumb here is, to get on as much social media as you can actively participate. I put this first because it is one of the easiest ones to go into.

Below are a few of the most important platforms you can start with (listed in no specific order):

  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • LinkedIn
  • Google+
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

If you do not have the time to be on them all, chose the ones you can run with. A good way to go about it is to hire a SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER to do the work for you.

If done correctly, you are bound to have a good follower base, and because you will always put in a link to your site, these followers will find their way to your website.

Here are a few things you can do with the social media following:

  • Lead them to your email list
  • Point them to your sales funnel
  • Direct them to your website where you have more in-depth information.

You can even use your website articles as landing pages, in this case, make sure you are writing quality content, and keep your word count at a minimum of 2000 words, this forces you to go in-depth.

  • Promote affiliate links genuinely on your social media handles
where to get free and paid images for your website

3. Use Blog posts or articles on your website to promote your affiliate business.

When people come to your website, it is a sign that they trust you in some ways. Do not let that trust down.

If you do not have a website yet, you are leaving money on the table. Go and get a website now.

Give your readers quality content, go as in-depth as you can, and quote some authorities in your articles.

It is better that each article will have an objective. And this should be clear immediately after a visitor lands on your web page, even though you will want to lead them to a specific action.

If you do not like writing, there is nothing to fret as you can HIRE A WRITER to do your article writing for you.

Here are a few places to look for writers




4. Mailing list/newsletter will help you build repeat customers

You have invested great effort into growing your followers on social media, you have even directed them to your site, sales funnel, or affiliate link, but let us face it, how are you sure they will come back to you?

That is where the mailing list comes in.

Get your visitors and followers to sign up for your mailing list as soon as possible. That is one way to keep the line of communication open so that you can always reach them with wonderful news.

When you create a good mailing list, have these things in mind:

  • Be sure to keep giving your followers fresh and helpful content
  • Focus on how to help your followers and not on making money,
  • Promote a product only when you yourself are truly convinced of its value, if possible after you may have tested the product yourself
  • Use storytelling to keep your audience engaged and wanting more
  • Get personal with your audience, use their names
  • Periodically send a gift to your audience and encourage participation
  • If you are not too good with designs, get a professional to do just that for you. You can get one on fiver for as low as 5 dollars
  • Address the need of your audience. Encourage them to send you feedback
  • Include your social media handles in your emails as it would help your audience in sharing the word.
  • Do you have a specific reason for sending out an email? Then give a clear call to action and keep it simple
  • Remember to keep your emails short and simple as nobody wants or even has the time to read an essay.

5. Use freebies in your affiliate marketing

freebie idea

Freebies put a human face into your affiliate marketing. Sometimes, it takes only a little free something to move people to action. So send out freebies to your audience as often as it is necessary.

The free gift might be in the form of an eBook solving a specific problem. It can be to grant access to a resource that will make life easy for your followers.

Sometimes, it can be a discount or a heads up on something great that will benefit them. Whatever it is, it should be valuable to get the desired effect. Do not just slap together a few old blog posts and think your audience will not see through them.

Here are a few more freebie ideas:

  • Make a short report in the form of an eBook
  • E-course
  • Webinar where you discuss some important and valuable tips
  • podcast

Just do not always be the salesman who always of himself and how to cart away with your money

If you pay attention to everything we discussed above, you can see some great results in your affiliate marketing efforts.

But what would you do next? Here is a suggestion: Sign up on our weekly email list for practical topics and tips like the one you just read.


My name is Echez. I am a content creator both for Success Zenith and other businesses who knows the importance of content that speaks to the audience

Articles: 81