Echez writing services

Echez O’ Ford (Writer, digital marketer, Entrepreneur)

My name is Echez O’ Ford, ( Get my helpful tips here on Linkedin) I’m a Senior Content Writer passionate about helping businesses thrive online.

With years of experience in SEO research, niche writing, and affiliate marketing, I’ve developed a range of skills to assist startups in breaking even and achieving their goals.

As a dedicated SEO researcher, I stay up-to-date with the latest search engine algorithms and trends to ensure that my clients’ websites are optimized for success.

What our customers say about Echez O’ Ford

Eclectic finds, ethical delights

He transformed my daily routine with unique, content. I love his exceptional quality and service.

~ Sophia G.

Sip, Shop, Savor

Clarity: Echez has a knack for simplifying complex topics. His sentences are concise, and he avoids jargon or unnecessary fluff. I appreciate his straightforward approach, making even intricate subjects accessible. My audience are now more satisfied than ever

~ Liam S.

Ireland LOVE

Engagement: Echez creates narratives that captivated my readers. Whether it’s a blog post, an email, or a social media update, he knows how to hook the audience from the first sentence. His storytelling skills keep readers scrolling and coming back for more.

~ Ava M.

Social Media Influencer

Echez’s writing feels genuine. He injects personality into his work, creating a connection with readers. From a heartfelt personal story to a persuasive argument, authenticity shines through. I give him 5 star for authenticity.

~ Catty P.

Are you struggling to drive traffic and sales to your website? As an experienced content writer and SEO researcher, I know how to create compelling content that engages your audience and improves your search engine rankings.

By conducting a thorough audit of your website and identifying opportunities for optimization, I can develop a customized strategy to help you achieve your growth objectives.

Whether you’re a startup looking to break even or an established business seeking to take its online presence to the next level, I’m here to help. Contact me today to learn more and discover how we can work together to take your business to the next level.

Whether it’s conducting keyword research, analyzing backlinks, or developing content strategies, I know how to get websites to the top of the search results.

Niches I Write on as a Freelancer

Echez O' Ford Writing services for blogs and websites
Echez O’ Ford Writing services for blogs and websites

My niche writing skills allow me to create informative, and engaging content for a variety of industries, including:

  • Finance,
  • Health,
  • Technology,
  • Make money online
  • Digital marketing and more.
  • My writing skills are transferable to any niche and category of your content needs
  • Self-help

By understanding each client’s unique audience and brand voice, I as a Content writer craft content that resonates with readers and drives traffic and engagement.

In addition to my writing skills, I’m also experienced in affiliate marketing, a strategy that enables businesses to earn commissions by promoting other companies’ products or services.

By leveraging my expertise in this area, I help businesses establish profitable partnerships that drive revenue and growth.

If you’re a startup looking to break even or an established business seeking to take your online presence to the next level, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to achieve your goals and reach new heights of success.

The best way to demonstrate my resolve to work with you and give you success is to give you an example.


The best way to expalain this is to image yourself in the following situation:

A startup in the health and wellness industry is struggling to get enough website traffic and sales. Despite creating quality content, the company is not ranking well in search engine result pages and is not generating enough leads through its affiliate marketing programs.


As an experienced SEO researcher, niche writer, and affiliate marketer, this is where I come in. I can help the health and wellness startup improve its online presence and generate more leads and sales.

Here’s how to help as a Content Writer (My Unique Work Flow)

  1. SEO Research: I would conduct a comprehensive audit of your website to identify technical issues.
  2. I will carry out in-depth research to see keyword gaps and other opportunities for optimization.
  3. Then develop a customized strategy to improve the website’s search engine rankings, including on-page optimization, content creation, and link building.
  4. This is applicable whether you have a website or not. It may be a landing page, email list, or product page.
  5. Niche Writing: To help you attract and engage your target audience, I would develop a content marketing strategy. This includes creating high-quality blog posts, articles, and other written content that showcases your company’s expertise and provides value to your readers.
  6. By creating content that is optimized for search engines and tailored to the needs and interests of the startup’s target audience, I can help them improve their online visibility and generate more traffic.
  7. Affiliate Marketing: As an experienced affiliate marketer, I would identify and establish partnerships with other companies in the health and wellness industry that offer complementary products or services. By promoting these products or services to the startup’s audience, I can help them generate more revenue and expand their customer base.
  8. You may want to find out other services I can render to you too.

By implementing these strategies and working collaboratively with you and perhaps your team, I can help contribute to your overall content needs and achieve desired growth.

Take a look around this website, most of the articles are written by me, as you can see my name at the beginning of the ones I wrote.

If you want to discuss further the possibility of working with you, shoot me a mail, please.


Echez O’ Ford Writing Portfolio

  1. How I Started and Scaled a Freelance Website to Six Figures Before Selling It.
  5. Why Am I Not Making Sales As A Freelancer?
  6. Five Disadvantages OF Being a Freelancer

  1. 7 Mistakes That Will Kill Your Affiliate Marketing Career

  1. How to write Amazon Kindle books for profit
  2. How to Make Money with Information Products
  3. How to Publish Content Without a Website
  4. How to succeed in e-learning creation as a pro
  5. How to Disable WP_Deburg Display on Your WordPress Site
  6. How to master the art of engaging leads with 3 foolproof hack
  7. How to sell on Facebook in 3 simple steps
  8. How to boost your AdSense earning

  1. Best Chinese Websites to Import Goods from at Affordable Prices
  2. Questions About Mini Importation.
  3. From China to Your Doorstep: How to Ensure a Smooth Shipping Process
  4. How to know and find a reliable supplier from China
  5. Ways to get the best suppliers from mini-importation


  1. I took a loot at most of your articles Echez. You are doing great work. I specialize in visual local numbers, and I am developing my business, soon I will need an expert copywriter.

    • Thank you so much Robert, I am always at your content service, feel free to reach out when you are ready to launch or if there is anything I can do to help you now, don’t hesitate to reach out.

  2. Hello Echez. Thank you so much for all you do for my project, we noticed a tremendous difference in the click through rate now when compared to before.
    I will always refer you to anyone anytime.

    • I appreciate the good words, David. The success of your business is the reason we are here. Keep spreading the word.

  3. Thank you so much Mr. Echez for helping me with my posts. Since you worked with me on my car rental posts, I have seen significant increase in conversion.
    Thank you once again for it.

    • I am happy to contribute to your success Felixlig. Keep winning and please recommend and share our post to others too on your social media handles.
      I took a look at your site recently and it was taking a lot of time to load though.
      Maybe it’s something you can fix, but if you need help with that, we have an inhouse team to help you.

  4. Hello Echez, my friend and former coworker referred me to you. I have taken a look at your profile, and I am happy with what you do. I will get back in touch with you to discuss further.

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